How do I place a Hold?
Go to the library catalog. Search the item you wish to request. Next to the title, there is a blue box that says ‘Place Hold’. Click this link. Enter your barcode number from the back of your library card. Your PIN is the last four digits of your phone number. The catalog will request that you choose a pickup location for your item, then click ‘Place Hold’. The next page will confirm that your request has been successful.
Are you a New City Library patron interested in having a hold placed automatically on your favorite bestselling authors? Fill out this form. You can select up to ten authors from our Automatically Yours list.
Not sure what you want to watch or read next? Our librarians can offer you some great recommendations! Fill out this form for movies or this one for books. They will pick a selection for you, put them on hold and notify you when they’re ready. Then come and pick up your hand selected recommendations!
How do I check the status of a Hold?
Go to the library catalog. On the top right of the menu you can sign in or if you’re already signed in, it will display your first initial and last name. Click on your name to see an overview of your account, including a box labeled ‘Holds’. When you click on Holds, you will see all your current requests with holds ready for pickup listed on top and pending requests below..
How do I renew an item?
Go to your account on the library catalog. You may have to login with your barcode and your passcode (usually the last four digits of your phone number). You will see an overview of your account. There will be a box labeled ‘Checkouts’. Some items may say ‘Sorry, not able to renew’ to the right of them. Those items cannot be extended due to pending requests from other patrons or having reached their renewal limit. If it can be renewed, a blue ‘Renew’ button will display. Click on the button and you will get a confirmation pop up.
If you have any blocks on your account, you will not be allowed to renew any items. An item will also fail to renew if someone else has placed a hold on it. If you have any questions about why your item has not renewed or wish to renew on the phone, please call (845) 634-4997 x 124.
How do I request an item be purchased?
Purchase requests will be considered for all New City and West Nyack Library card holders. Please fill out the form below and the librarian in charge of the relevant collection will review it and contact you. If the item is purchased, it will be placed on hold for you.