
The library frequently offers drop-in sessions for help with all our online resources. You can also schedule one-on-one sessions for a half hour with a librarian for assistance by calling (845) 634-4997 x125.



Streaming Movies and TV


Libby (Overdrive app)(Help)

Hoopla! (Help)

ComicsPlus (Help)

Overdrive (site)

Libby (Overdrive app) (Help)

Hoopla! (Help)


Hoopla! (Help)

Kanopy (Help)



 Overdrive and Hoopla have different books available.  Hoopla also has a great selection of graphic novels.  Hoopla never has a waiting list! The selection is different from Overdrive, so be sure to look at both. Check out Kanopy for the entire Criterion Collection and Hoopla for some new releases.

Looking for one of our great databases? Check out Consumer Reports, do research for a paper, or find out more about a medication by clicking here.